Warranty & Servicing
Years 1-7: New Ferraris from about 2013 have 7 years free servicing at Ferrari dealers.
Years 1-3: New Ferraris have 3 years FULL warranty included.
Years 4-5: You can extend the FULL warranty for another 2 years for about $12,800 (or pay 2 annual payments of about $8,400 each).
Year 6: You can buy the Ferrari POWER warranty for about $5,500 p.a.
Year 7-15: You can buy the Ferrari POWER warranty until the Ferrari is 15 years old or until 90,000km for about $5,500 p.a less a non claims bonus of 30% which is about $3,800 p.a.
If you sell your Ferrari the free servicing and warranty is transferrable to another owner.
Typically if you use your car on the track in non competitive track days (e.g. Ferrari dealer track and driver training days) then Ferrari will honour the warranty.
Wear and tear on the car is not covered, e.g. battery, belts, brakes, wipers, etc.