
Ferrari Club Australia (FCA) is the Ferrari authorised owners club in Australia and in 2010 signed an agreement with Ferrari that defines the FCA's use of the Ferrari name, logos, manufacture of regalia and other activities.
Ferrari only authorizes one owners club per country.
The club was founded in 1972 by a group of enthusiastic owners who originally wanted to create a register of Ferraris in the country, the FCA celebrates its 50th anniversary in 2022 making it one of the longest established Ferrari owners club in the world.
FCA has a growing membership, which currently stands at over 1200 and who between them own approximately 1100 Ferraris, representing a significant percentage of all the Ferraris currently resident in Australia.
The most popular single model owned by club members in 2012 is the 360 Modena (57), followed by the 328 GTS (53), Dino 246 GT (49) and the 430 Coupe (43).
The largest grouping of cars (all versions) is the 308/328 family with 197 vehicles, followed by the 360 (128), 430 (97), 355 (68) and 458 (67).
FCA is one legal entity incorporated in Victoria which comprises 5 state divisions that run the events in each state.
FCA does not have a division in Tasmania or the N.T. and ACT members are administratively considered part of NSW.
Your membership is of FCA nationally, not the state division, and you are welcome in all FCA activities throughout Australia.
The purpose of the club is to:
promote, foster interest in and conduct the sport of automobilism, motor sport and motoring generally as it relates to Ferraris, including the restoration, preservation and maintenance of Ferrari automobiles;
promote courtesy and safety on the road and in competition between members of FCA; and
promote friendship and engender social activities within FCA and the community generally.
Club members enjoy their cars on the many organised events that are held across the country which include drive days, concours events, track days, weekends away, social events and national rallies.
The premier event is the annual National Rally which each state hosts in turn.
All members receive our National magazine "HorsePower" which is published up to 4 times per year, and several states also produce additional Publications.
Members can access Historic Vehicle Registration for their Ferraris, subject to state eligibility criteria.
FCA is affiliated with Motorsport Australia and various state motoring bodies and also runs some events under a AASA permit.
FCA is governed by the National Committee which comprises of representatives from each state and territory.
Each state has an elected committee that arranges events in that state throughout the year.
The rules that govern the operation of the club are set out in the Constitution.