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National Events Calendar 2020

These national events usually occur annually. 

See FCA state websites for additional events where any FCA member is welcome.

Dates are subject to change prior to an event being open for registrations. 

Australian National Events

March 2020

  • Friday 13th           Ferrari Club VIP AGP Cocktail Party, Melbourne  

  • Friday 13-15th     FCA International Suite tickets at Formula 1 AGP, Albert Park, Melbourne

Postponement of 2020 National Rally until further notice due to Covid-19 (Coronavirus)

Ciao Ferrari Club Australia Members


I regretfully inform you of an executive decision made in the best interest of the club and our members.

The decision has been taken to postpone the 2020 FCA National Rally which was scheduled to be held in October and to suspend all  FCA events in NSW/ACT until further notice. 

This decision has the full and unanimous support of the NSW/ACT committee and the National Executive committee.


In making this decision, the health and wellbeing of our “Ferrari Family” was at the forefront of our minds.   As you are aware, COVID-19 (Coronavirus), is a rapidly evolving global pandemic, and the impact it has on our lives is changing day by day. Governments around the world are implementing bans on travel and public gatherings and recommending social distancing. 


The decision to suspend all NSW & ACT club events and to postpone the 2020 National Rally will result in no financial impact or exposure for the Club. Since the future spread and severity of the coronavirus is currently unknown, we, the Ferrari Club Australia (FCA), did not want to commit to bookings and pay deposits now for any event, only to find out in a few months that either the event could not be held, that it ends up with low attendance or that the event will be cancelled on us and we would lose our deposits and club funds. We cannot, and will not place the club, the club name or the Ferrari brand in jeopardy in any way whatsoever. 


I hope that all our Australian members and FOC member overseas, will  understand, accept and support this decision. 


Thank you for your understanding in this unprecedented situation. 

             Frank Cavasinni

             President – NSW/ACT

             National Chief Judge

             Ferrari Club Australia


Interstate and Overseas Events 

See FCA State websites for additional events where any FCA member is welcome.

FCA members are also welcome at Ferrari Club events internationally. 

Contact Grahame Reinthal (see below) and/or the relevant Ferrari Owner Club here

Formula 1® World Championship Grand Prix Calendar 2020 (subject to change with Covid-19)  here


Grahame Reinthal


Ferrari Club Australia


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